New Home Warranty Inspections
Many new-home owners are now having their homes inspected one or two months prior to the expiration of their builders home warranty (usually 12 months). This type of inspection may identify conditions that will lead to future problems. In most cases the inspection will point out existing conditions or concerns that may be covered under the original builders warranty and will allow the owners to have these conditions repaired.
In having an Independent Authority provide a report to include issues that owners many times are already aware of, the builders will typically give more attention or consideration for deficiencies and or "questionable" issues.
They know you have a more serious intent for needed correction of issues as you have invested in an objective third party for further review, whose experience knows what "standard of industry is and is not".
A professional reporting of issues brought to a builder including photographs can go a long way in resolving these issues many times.
Most builders know you're not going to have an inspection on your new home before the warranty runs out, so, they'll be off the hook unless something major goes wrong, and that is what they bet against.
Even on the homes that we find minor problems with, our customers have still been very happy to have had the inspection done because now they know that they have a home that is far less likely to surprise them down the road.

Many new home buyers are talked out of an inspection by their builder at the time of construction.
"You don't need an inspection on this home, its brand new" is what many consumers are told.
Inspections at the time of purchase are often complicated by many factors to include, the home is often being rushed together for the last minute touches and completion before your walkthrough or closing. Any and all assortment of trades and vendors trying their best to complete the home but making the task of doing an inspection and or accounting of the finished product quite difficult if not impossible at times.
Myth: My builder said I was being too picky about wanting some items fixed in my home. Am I being too picky?
Fact: I hear this one quite often. Just how picky does your money allow you to be? While it is true no home is perfect, you wouldn't go out and pay full price for a new car that had dings and scratches in the paint with an engine that knocked and the radiator located where the gas tank should be.
It's your home. They are supposed to be hiring professional craftsmen to do the work. True craftsmen will make very few mistakes while building your home. Un-skilled day laborers will make many obvious mistakes that anyone can find. It's your money, demand quality!